Thursday, November 12, 2020



All systems are subject to great change as the earth is constantly bombarded by highly charged cosmic rays emanating from the galactic core.
The galactic core, known by the ancients as the central sun and called Hunab Ku by the Mayans, is located in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy in the constellation Sagittarius.
The mighty black hole located there recently activated the cyclical mass activity that makes the entire cosmos vibrate higher.
The explosion of these high frequency cosmic rays reaching Earth was measured by increasing the Schumann Resonance to vibrate in the 40 to 100 Hertz range causing a superhuman state of consciousness.
Exactly the lower limit of the fifth dimension begins at 40 Hertz and the upper limit ends at 100 Hertz. A dimension is not a physical place, but a state of being or consciousness that manifests itself as a perceived reality.
This new, higher dimension of reality that manifests in this world is what we call the new earth and the new heaven. It is the golden era that has been expected for millennia, and it is a new era of light for humanity.
The Lemurians called the central sun the source of all life, all knowledge, all power, the god of all gods. The central sun is the hidden sun, the inner sun, the source of all being and the opposite force to the sun of the earth. The cosmic doors will open on December 21, 2020 when the fifth sun and the great calendar of Mayan counting ended eight years ago, on December 21, 2012, and the sixth Mayan sun of the new earth dawned on that day.
This also agrees with the Hindu calendar of Lemurian origin. The key to this problem is that the reason this light did not manifest itself adequately on the earth's surface is due to the blockade exerted by Jupiter and Pluto.
The cosmic gates will open on this day and the strongest, unstoppable current in the history of 40 Hertz gamma light will crawl across the sky and flow freely across the planet. During the Golden Age, the planet existed in the highest dimensions and the Lemurians reached a state of enlightened consciousness with their Kundalini rising and developing.
These master beings possessed supernatural abilities such as immortality, escape, teleportation and time travel. In the Lemurian manuscripts it is written that the central sun is the only source of all supernatural abilities as well as the source of all life, all matter and all evolution in this cosmos. Russian scientists have shown that a gamma ray can alter a living being's DNA and turn the embryo of one species into a completely different species within 48 hours. In the same way, this gamma light activates the DNA, which is called "junk" in the human body, to reconstruct the twelve plus one original strands of our species.
The more strands of DNA that are active, the higher the human level of consciousness. We know what happens when we remember our past and see the future in ourselves. We know what is coming, what the alignments of the cosmos are saying. All is clearly written as a sign in heaven for those who have eyes to see them. Heavenly events are readable, measurable, and predictable, and what happens above is reflected below. The movement of the stars is the language of God. Celestial alignments directly affect human evolution and planet earth. The greater the heavenly event, the greater the physical and conscious impact it will have on humanity and the perception of their experiences.
THIS BIG SOLAR FLASH will take place before the end of this year. 2020 will be a massive burst of white, blinding, magnetic, fifth-dimensional gamma light
n, which is ejected from the galactic core and seen as the second sun in the sky.
The energy released from this emission of the central sun is called the realm of understanding and activates the mass ascension event of planetary consciousness.
The light from this cosmic explosion will be so strong that it will illuminate the heavens of the earth for a period of a thousand years. It will be the prophetic millennium of light heralded by all spiritual traditions of humanity.
This new era of humanity brings the realization of our true divine being and we will reach a state of spiritual perfection in which all good things will become possible. We have incarnated here many times to prepare for this moment, we have kept hope amid great difficulties, and now our ticket is coming home to our true home of glory and happiness ...

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