Monday, November 28, 2016


I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND why so many people protested against donald j trump who was elected fairly under the law .I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY people who didn't even vote protested got bus around the country to cause violence and burn down peoples' neighborhoods for a thousand or fifteen hundreds a pop know dam well that little chump change aint gonna no where near get you out of the shit when you get caught or if you get caught. that kinda person must be stupid dumb kinda evil devil. and basically that's domestic terrorism and the people who are really behind it and some of the ones that are participating in it are not being arrested.
I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND why main stream media has been misinforming the public for years brain washing the public with the them fools agenda and them democrats and some republican are doing there dirty work for them making laws in there favor and fuck the little people they just slaves anyway. them people who believe in free press and freedom of speech intrusted you to give them the correct information they needed as if they had heard it from the preacher's mouth. you gave up your freedom of speech when you stop tell the people what they really need to know. YOU MAIN STREAM MEDIA has sold your trust ,integrity ,your freedom of expression to the devil for money a system that they got all of us believing in that's worthless. the only GOD that MOST people serve in this country is the god of money. there nothing wrong with having money but it's your selfist greed that bring your ass down when you mislead people that's depending on you to deliver to them what they expected of you. I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND how a politician can lie to people that he suppose to represent and  knowing that his can be replaced every 2 to 4 years without any fear of not getting reelected unless he know the shit is rigged. and when they don't do the will of the people and they just take the money and the gifts from the big banks and corporate donors and lobbyist that makes them evil and a devil cause that's not a compromise.
I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND how people who pay taxes and always goes around saying the government is going to do what they want i don't know they dont vote or voice there opinion to there elected official cause ALMOST  every law that is passed will affect you one way or another. i promise you that. it mite not effect you now but wait till you get up in age and then you remember oh i remember when they said that when nixion was president.  they say nixion was the one who took us off the gold standard now our money aint worth shit or the paper it's printed on. see they got you after something that aint gonna last. and people who don't vote must be ready to accept total tyranny ,nwo and to be control or forced to go to a concentration camp cause we got some. but the sad part to me is that you are make a decision for you off springs kids grand kids etc your klan. and when they here how free it use to be they will want to live like that to so what we suppose to do sit back and let this shit happen so our off springs will have to fight for this shit again hell they been fight for thousands of years over the same thing cause the devil was sent here to rule for 6000 yrs it's just that his time is up so it's up to us and the people of the world to stop this nwo one world government. cause the people we elect are not working for us the 99% they work for the people who owns the big banks ,big corporation, Rail Road, big media outlets ,the bilderberg group etc.  the people who want you broke sick and dumb you are not going to find out what you really need to know cause they own the mass media. you are gonna have to start looking foe alternative news like prison planet tv infowars .com stone cold  drudge report .com i know these are  worth trusting come on people it's time to wake up and stop thinking so much about your self and think about the future of our kids. you see russia kick george soros and his klan out and the rothchilds too. THE BRITISH wants out of the eu why you think our media keep lying about what russia did russia started this shit NO ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT AINT DOWN WITH DAT SHIT YOU GET. yea putin had da balls on a world stage but gaddafi i dont think gaddafi let them and there standard of living was some of the nicest in the middle east. gaddafi was going to set up a CENTRAL BANK in AFRICA  so AFRICAN would not have to borrow money from them crooked jews that run the world at that high interest rate bleeding the country dry and its economy. so lets see what donald j trump gonna do since he claim to be against them. cause i like my freedom and george bush and obama has been infringing on your rights. so all you ones that don't vote look at some alternative news and try to keep somebody else informed on what's really going on why we as a nation and a people are still struggling . the system was stacked against you before you was born but you can change that get involve you got twitter facebook instagram you get the word out on what politicians that aint doing there job and needs to go and who are definitely neo cons and support the elite over you. so no i don't understand people who don't vote when they got the power to change things  is in there hands all they gotta do is participate . when the so called jew that runs and owns big phrama under some investment group got poison in the shots that they got to give to your babies to give them autism so they can see what effects it has on the child see you don't get it you don't see many jewish kids going to public school do ya there kids got to have a better education than that. there out to destroy your future and your kids kids  future. the bible told you what was going to be coming it never said just sit back and let it happen. and if you are a believer why aint you pointing out the devils' of wrong dong in high places and stop pointing the ones' out in low places cause if that's all you gonna do is point the ones' out in low places then you serve the money god cause you scared you lose your comfort zone did JESUS stay at the hilton or trump towers. you got the point the ones out in high places too. so know I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW YOU CAN LET YOUR KIDS AND YOUR KIDS KIDS FUTURE JUST SLIP AWAY. how can you afford not to be involve when most decisions effect have you already giving up your freedom . your foefathers of this country fought for it well it's up to us to keep it. cause the devil don't want you knowledgeable and prosperous they want you dumb stupid and poor. and if the devil is running the system on every level how can the body of christ and the people all of us not participate if we don't participate we lose we have got to start engaging our local to the federal on issues that matter to us hell they got email and you do to you got a dam face book account it's at the time where we just cannot afford not to be involved. and if you don't believe your system of government is that corrupt go look it up and research it look at every thinh you can find alex jones you tube wiki leaks read the stuff watch the videos how people telling it all on hillary and the democrats. so this means g bush was a democrat cause he is on the same team as hillary and obama that work for the folks that want us in wars dumb stupid broke and uninformed. or is that hillary and obama harry reid are republicans and they got everybody fooled. so what im trying to tellya is you can't tell a democrat from a republican they both one in the same choose people that is looking out for you and mean it cause hillary been in office like harry reid nancy pollosi and other for fucking ten twenty thirty years why aint it no better and the same ones keep telling you the same shit. time for a change what do you got to lose by giving trump a chance you gave the rest of them want to give your country away mutha fuckers a chance lets see if can keep your country from being given away to the chinese cause that's where it's heading and that's just something else mainstream media aint telling you they own hollywood now . and you preachers some of you don't pay taxes and some of you make so much you get a cut on your taxes as long as you don't use your pulpit to sway voters one way or the other but you sit back and let them let main stream media sway public opinion with lies and you don't come out public on it have mercy GOD  I DON'T UNDERSTAND 

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