What happen in Dallas was a TERRIBLE TERRIBLE tragedy shouldn't have happen in Dallas. where it should have happened was in minn. and la. That's where the lastest shit happen that's where the retaliation should have occured if anyone want to be that uncivilized but it sure seems that our law enforcement is UNCIVILIZED. But the killing of innocent black people and babies have been going on for hundreds of years. for years people only got it the way it was told kinda like the bible or what the news allowed you to know. But now modern technology has allowed us to view it live and videoed so we see first hand on what the news allow you to see but dem homemade videos are the best. and its a TERRIBLE TERRIBLE TRAGEDY that two young nice men had to loose their life to a PUNK ASS COP. IT'S a terrible tragedy on both sides but his anger went over board when he kept seeing it happen and kept seeing cops getting away with it especially the one where they choke him to death on camera and wasn't resisting and the judge lettem go. When you keep seeing shit like that how can you say the system works is fair or just. That shit seem to me the system works on who they want it to work on. If cops are that scared to do there job they should find them a another one and i think most of america would agree with that. So now if this shit turns into a race war i blame the cops the system (internal affairs etc) judges and juries. when you keep letting wrong get away with wrong sooner or later the there is gonna be a backlash same thing when they fought and killed for freedom it was a backlash. So lets not start calling him a vigilante. kayne west sacrificed his mother for fame cosby son was a sacrifice for his fame that fool decided to make the sacrifice. yep thats the real common view it was a sacrifice for a sacrifice just hated that it had to be that way but like i said when the system continue to fail you there is going to be some level of backlash what do you think a protest is it's a backlash shit aint going rite and shit aint fair. but if it does star a war they know why it happen. and here is a theory these cops have been instructed to shoot to kill and hit center mask. now if this shit starts a race war between the blacks and the cops that will what they want so THEY can impose martial law take your freedoms and rights put your ass in concentration camps reduce you further down to slave labor and the granddaddy of them all OBAMA OBAMA WILL GET HIS THIRD TERM IN OFFICE CAUSE NO ELECTIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED. we need to open our eyes a little wider and see whats really going on and not what they want us to believe NOW you dont have to agree with any dam thing i said BUT IT IS WHAT IT IS JUST THINK ABOUT as long as they keep us we usses all of us divide they know there will NEVER be any unity among americans regardless of skin tone
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