now i think phil robinson should run for president. now what i can't figure out is why everytime somebody say something about the gays that community
just goes the f__k off. why ?. do they feel that there better than everybody else, do they feel that that GOD don't lovem because there a abomination that's
according to the bible and the word of GOD or are they just plain crazy. the man that owns chicfilet they went off on him boycotts didn't do nothing but make
him a little richer that little protest backfired on them. now which brings me to duck dynasty cause phil simply responded to whats quoted in the bible about
homosexuallity. why get mad at someone who merely requoted something out of the good book and on top of that we got gay churches and pastors, preachers
that go to church read that bible (i guess just not that part of it) and knows that it's in there and you gonna flip out just because someone famous made a
comment about it on how they feel. now we have passed laws in this country for gays on the count of how they feel. now what they saying to the rest of when
someone makes a comment about them like duck and chicfilet did is that NOBODY'S feelings count but theres. we stood behind them for there equal rights
to love who they want to love regardless on how we felt about homosexuallity but because of there rights GOD gave us free will to choose his word or the
devils word , between the good and the bad, the right and the wrong, and what make sense and what don't make sense. the freedom of choice is just as much
important as the freedom of speech. so why ask again why do they go off in a uproar everytime something is said and especially when the bible is brought into
it. yall aint looked at like that have you. and these business like cracker barrel pull merchandise off the shelf only to put it back cause the other side spend
there too. and a&e gonna take him off the show only to recant on there decision too. just because we not gay we got got a voice too let us be heard to we free
too to express how we feel just like yall did. if a black ,mexican ,italian ,white ,jew ,muslim , everytime some body call them the N- WORD went off in protest
we would be fighting all the time . so if the the gay comminity is going to go off everytime somebody didn't agree with the gays or there lifestyle or make a
quote from the bible about it hell we can forget about having peace on earth. why get so offended it's just there word it's not GODS word cause that's the only word any of
us really need to be concerned about. and these corporation are a trip they can't take a position on something and still do business it's like the man at the helm
aint got know backbone no balls and thinks it's all just about the money. now that's a good sign that money is his god. and he truly worships the bottom line.
but see now i want to point out that that was a empowering moment for a lot of us who supported one or the other but the point i really want to make is how
come we as a whole nation come together like that and make our leaders pass laws that benifit us 98% cause like i said if you make $250,000 a year you at the
very top of the lower class. that's what he said we dont need to pay no more taxes. so how come we can't have empowering moments to make the system work
for us instead of the billionairs and trillionairs who is virtually running your life. but im glad the show will be returning yea im a duck dynasty fan too and with
phil aint know show if they aint all there just like family aint all there dont seem like family. we need to love one another more so what you gay and some body
said something shake it off with love cause that what says in the good book. are you scared of the book i know there is a lot of people who is. empower your
self people put GOD first and fly soar to your destination of lifestyle and be peaceful loveya peace and im out but some body please tell me why they fuss over nothing?
just goes the f__k off. why ?. do they feel that there better than everybody else, do they feel that that GOD don't lovem because there a abomination that's
according to the bible and the word of GOD or are they just plain crazy. the man that owns chicfilet they went off on him boycotts didn't do nothing but make
him a little richer that little protest backfired on them. now which brings me to duck dynasty cause phil simply responded to whats quoted in the bible about
homosexuallity. why get mad at someone who merely requoted something out of the good book and on top of that we got gay churches and pastors, preachers
that go to church read that bible (i guess just not that part of it) and knows that it's in there and you gonna flip out just because someone famous made a
comment about it on how they feel. now we have passed laws in this country for gays on the count of how they feel. now what they saying to the rest of when
someone makes a comment about them like duck and chicfilet did is that NOBODY'S feelings count but theres. we stood behind them for there equal rights
to love who they want to love regardless on how we felt about homosexuallity but because of there rights GOD gave us free will to choose his word or the
devils word , between the good and the bad, the right and the wrong, and what make sense and what don't make sense. the freedom of choice is just as much
important as the freedom of speech. so why ask again why do they go off in a uproar everytime something is said and especially when the bible is brought into
it. yall aint looked at like that have you. and these business like cracker barrel pull merchandise off the shelf only to put it back cause the other side spend
there too. and a&e gonna take him off the show only to recant on there decision too. just because we not gay we got got a voice too let us be heard to we free
too to express how we feel just like yall did. if a black ,mexican ,italian ,white ,jew ,muslim , everytime some body call them the N- WORD went off in protest
we would be fighting all the time . so if the the gay comminity is going to go off everytime somebody didn't agree with the gays or there lifestyle or make a
quote from the bible about it hell we can forget about having peace on earth. why get so offended it's just there word it's not GODS word cause that's the only word any of
us really need to be concerned about. and these corporation are a trip they can't take a position on something and still do business it's like the man at the helm
aint got know backbone no balls and thinks it's all just about the money. now that's a good sign that money is his god. and he truly worships the bottom line.
but see now i want to point out that that was a empowering moment for a lot of us who supported one or the other but the point i really want to make is how
come we as a whole nation come together like that and make our leaders pass laws that benifit us 98% cause like i said if you make $250,000 a year you at the
very top of the lower class. that's what he said we dont need to pay no more taxes. so how come we can't have empowering moments to make the system work
for us instead of the billionairs and trillionairs who is virtually running your life. but im glad the show will be returning yea im a duck dynasty fan too and with
phil aint know show if they aint all there just like family aint all there dont seem like family. we need to love one another more so what you gay and some body
said something shake it off with love cause that what says in the good book. are you scared of the book i know there is a lot of people who is. empower your
self people put GOD first and fly soar to your destination of lifestyle and be peaceful loveya peace and im out but some body please tell me why they fuss over nothing?
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